Adventure Across South America

Incredible ancient architecture and nature amongst mighty the Andean peaks, with grandiose views.  We will be exploring all the way from Cozumel to Brazil, through Argentina.

Our cruise ports include:

Fjords, Chile

Fjords, Chile



Brazil:  Fortaleza, Recife, Rio De Janeiro, Copacabana Beach

Uruguay: Motevideo

Argentina: Iguzau falls, Buenos Aires, Puerto Madryan, Ushuaia

Falkland Islands: Port Stanley



Chile: Punta Arenas, Straits of Magellan, Fjords, Valparaiso, La Serena, Arica, Pisco, Machu Picchu – Lima

Ecuador – Manta, Puntarenas

Nicaragua – San Juan Del Sur

Mexico – Ensenada

Adventure Across The Beautiful States

Incredible canyons, mountains, lakes and open National Parks to explore all the way from New York to Los Angeles.

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The Construction of Europe Is The Art of the Possible.

Stunning landscapes, historical cities and intriguing cultures.

The Beautiful Realm of Asia

Let the natural beauty of Asia inspire you.

The Harmony of Wild Africa.

Our human compassion binds us one to the other – not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.

Let’s Take An Adveture!

We love to meet up with fellow travelers and explore areas together. The adventure is not only about the area you are checking out, but the people you are checking it out with.

Take The Biggest Adventure of Them All!

Join us as we sail around the world!

Meet Tom and Renee

Cruising Through Life
